delete some useless plugins

This commit is contained in:
dennydai 2016-01-01 22:41:23 +08:00
parent 4b6b587bb4
commit 419fdfdffa
3 changed files with 0 additions and 35 deletions

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
PluginSet("Change the form of IP address");
$arr = explode('.',$plugin_text);
$msg = 'IP: '.$arr[0].'.'.$arr[1].'.'.$arr[2].'.'.$arr[3];
$msg .= "\nint: ".($arr[0] * pow(256,3) + $arr[1] * pow(256,2) + $arr[2] * 256 + $arr[3]);
$msg .= "\noct: 0".decoct($arr[0]).".0".decoct($arr[1]).".0".decoct($arr[2]).'.0'.decoct($arr[3]);
$msg .= "\nhex: 0x".dechex($arr[0]).".0x".dechex($arr[1]).".0x".dechex($arr[2]).'.0x'.dechex($arr[3]);
$msg .= "\nfucking hex: 0x0000000000".dechex($arr[0]).".0x0000000000".dechex($arr[1]).".0x0000000000".dechex($arr[2]).'.0x0000000000'.dechex($arr[3]);
$msg .= "\nYou can combine them with any combination. Such as: 0".decoct($arr[0]).'.0x0000000000'.dechex($arr[1]).'.'.$arr[2].'.0x'.dechex($arr[3]);
$BOT->msg($plugin_sendto, $msg);

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
$matches = explode(" ", $plugin_text, 2);
if (!isset($matches[1])) {
$to = "en";
$text = urlencode($matches[0]);
}elseif (isset($matches[1]) and strlen($matches[0]) != 2) {
$to = "en";
$text = urlencode($matches[0].$matches[1]);
$to = $matches[0];
$text = urlencode($matches[1]);
$trans = file_get_contents('"'.$to.'"&options={}&texts=["'.$text.'"]');
preg_match("/\[{.*?\}]/is", $trans, $trans_json);
$msg = "Result: ".json_decode($trans_json[0],true)[0]["TranslatedText"];
$BOT->msg($from, $msg);

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
PluginSet("tts", "Text To Speech");
$mp3 = file_get_contents("".urlencode($plugin_text));
$file = fopen($from.".mp3","w");
echo fwrite($file,$mp3);
$BOT->send_audio($from, "/home/wwwroot/".$from.".mp3");