<?php namespace Telegram; class Client extends Base { public function __construct($remoteSocket) { $this->_fp = stream_socket_client($remoteSocket); if ($this->_fp === false) { throw new ClientException('Could not connect to socket "' . $remoteSocket . '"'); } stream_set_timeout($this->_fp, 1); //This way fgets() returns false if telegram-cli gives us no response. } public function __destruct() { fclose($this->_fp); } public function exec($command) { fwrite($this->_fp, str_replace("\n", '\n', $command) . PHP_EOL); $answer = fgets($this->_fp); //"ANSWER $bytes" if there is a return value or \n if not if (is_string($answer)) { if (substr($answer, 0, 7) === 'ANSWER ') { $bytes = (int) substr($answer, 7); if ($bytes > 0) { $string = trim(fread($this->_fp, $bytes + 1)); if ($string === 'SUCCESS') { //For "status_online" and "status_offline" return true; } return $string; } } else if ($answer === PHP_EOL) { //For commands like "msg" return true; } } return false; } public function encodeUri($var){ return iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $var); } public function escapeString($var){ return '"' . addslashes($var) . '"'; } public function escapePeer($peer){ return str_replace(' ', '_', $peer); } public function escape($var){ return escapeString(encodeUri($var)); } public function PluginList($commands, $name){ global $plugins; $plugins[] .= TAG.$commands." ".$name; } }